Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Analyze an Advertisement Essay

There’s more to advertising’s message than meets the casual eye. An effective ad, like other forms of communication, works best when it strikes a chord in the needs and desires of the receiving consumer — a connection that can be both intuitive and highly calculated. The following questions can help foster your awareness of this process. You may be surprised by the messages and meanings you uncover. 1. What is the general ambience of the advertisement? What mood does it create? 2. Study the advertisement’s form. Attempt a simple description of what elements it consists of in terms of elements and formal arrangement. 3. What about technical decisions? If the advertisement is a photograph, what kind of a shot is it? What significance do you think long shots, medium shots, close-up shots have? What about the lighting, use of colour, angle of the shot? 4. What typefaces are used and what impressions do they convey? 5. What techniques are used by the copywriter: humour, alliteration, definitions† of life, comparisons, sexual innuendo, and so on? 6. What is the relationship between pictorial elements and written material and what does this tell us? 7. Does the ad essentially provide information or does it try to generate some kind of emotional response? Or both? 8. What action is taking place in the advertisement and what significance does it have? (This might be described as the ad’s â€Å"plot.†) 9. What signs and symbolic codes do we find? Symbolic codes can involve figures e.g. facial expressions, clothing codes etc. What can be said about their facial expressions, poses, hairstyle, age, sex, hair colour, ethnicity, education, occupation, relationships (of one figure to the other)? What role do these symbolic codes play in the ad’s impact? 10. What sociological, political, economic or cultural attitudes are indirectly reflected in the advertisement i.e. does the ad work ideologically?( An advertisement may be about a pair of blue jeans but it might, indirectly, reflect such matters as sexism, alienation, stereotyped thinking, conformism, generational conflict, loneliness, elitism, and so on). 11. How important is the spectator/reader’s own context going to be on his/her understanding of the ad? Who is the presumed reader or public for this ad? Excerpted/adapted from Arthur A. Berger Signs in Contemporary Culture: An Introduction to Semiotics, Longman, White Plains, NY [online]. Available from [accessed 24/04/08] DECODING ADVERTISING IMAGES Ads/images have different levels of meaning: Denotation: what can be seen – the literal, commonsense or ‘natural’ meaning of the ad (first order meaning). Denotation is commonly implied by the use of photography. Connotation: the ‘hidden’ meaning (second order meaning); a range of possible meanings which may depend upon the reader’s knowledge, social background and other factors which influence personal judgement or interpretation. Meaning in an advertising image can be seen as: Syntagmic – the linking process between represented object (signifier) and significance (meaning) is unconscious; Referential – it is understood in terms of structural relationships to other signs. Meaning is made up of a system of differences and oppositions; Ideological – occurring within a wider framework of ideas or way of thinking about social relations; Conventional – socially mediated i.e. is according to accepted ‘rules’ and ‘codes’; Preferred (or dominant meaning) is the meaning that the advertiser (presumably) hopes the image will convey. Stuart Hall, though, notes two other modes of reading ads: negotiated readings and oppositional readings (which subvert the presumed intentional or seeming overt meaning of the advertising image). Connotation There are a number of issues which can be considered when analysing an specific image, factors which can help one to identify the intended connotation of the signs contained within the image, and of the advertisement as a whole. Technical Codes (including): Camera angle – is the implied angle of vision up/down, at an angle, straight on? Camera distance – how far is the implied camera from the subject? Focus – is the image in sharp detail or soft focus? Lighting – what is highlighted or left in the shadows? Information Value: the placement of elements within the whole image is indicative of a relative symbolic meaning. horizontal reading – Left = given, familiar right = new, not yet known vertical reading – upper = promise, emotive lower = Portfolio, actual, information Composition: Salience – the elements of an image attract attention to differing degree according to their position in the whole composition (foreground, background etc.) Framing – the presence or absence of framing devices signifies the connection or separation between the different objects/figures Cropping – is the cropping from a wider image implied? Juxtaposition – have two images been juxtaposed to create a particular effect? Captions: Remember to consider the text in an ad. If an image has no caption it can be considered an ‘open text’ and therefore open to interpretation. Captions generally function as modifiers to ‘anchor’ the primary significance of the image, and to reduce possible ambiguities of meaning in the image. Symbolic Codes: A symbol is a picture/object which stands for something else, where the meaning is widely understood e.g. a dove symbolises peace or the Holy Spirit in western society. Symbols do not necessarily have only one connotation and have to be selected with care by advertisers – it is the image as a whole, the relationship between signs (symbols), which will determine which connotation is intended (a meaning which might be ‘fixed’ by modifiers such as text captions). Body language/non-verbal codes: what is the significance of the figures’ poses or physical posture? what facial expression do the figures have? do the body types (well built, thin, fleshly etc.) connote wider meanings e.g. .stereotypes? Clothing codes: does the clothing connote specific occupations or nationalities? what connotations about class and status does the clothing have? Colour (symbolic value): Does the colour/colour range used suggest a mood e.g. sorrow, gaiety etc.? Does the colour use suggest an abstract meaning e.g. romance, purity etc.? The kinds of colours used – the use of bright, dissonant colours might indicate modernity for instance or a sepia range might signify tradition. Issues which might be activated by use of symbolic code include: Branding – the use of symbolic signs to connote a distinct brand ‘identity’ for a product which in physical composition cannot be differentiated from other examples of the same product e.g. perfume or cigarettes. Celebrity – a meaning structure is created by selling commodities in terms of social (celebrity) identity. The product being sold is ‘given’ the character attributes more usually associated with the celebrity e.g. physical strength, elegance etc.. The consumer buys the product to ‘buy into’ the celebrity’s image (see promise of pleasure principle’). ‘Promise of pleasure’ principle – setting up links between consumption of the product and personal fulfillment or attainment of desired state of being. The consumer is not buying the product itself, but the emotional promise. Commodification – advertising translates statements about objects into statements about human relationships or types of consumer. This implies a denial of individual identity by the translating human beings into objects; Objectification – the use of the part (of the human body) to stand for the whole denies human agency or the wholeness of the individual. This is more often associated with the use of female models. ‘Fragmentation’ of the female body connotes the commodification of female identity; the ‘gaze’ (scopophilia) – where the presumed spectator is gendered male, the notion of the ‘gaze’ connotes unequal power relations between the sexes (inequalities which are presumed to mirror those in wider society); Gender stereotyping- this can relate to ideological expectations as to gender roles and the use of gender stereotypes or sexualisation as a marketing tool; Racial or ethnic stereotyping – this can relate to the exploitation of social ‘difference’ e.g. the ‘other’ (in which one culture is seen as ‘opposed’ to mainstream western characteristics) in a way which reinforces the social stereotype or attracts by the presumption of exoticism; Ideology – objects are used as signifiers within the context of wider signifying systems or ideological contexts e.g. ‘western democracy’/consumerism, and can only be properly understood via a knowledge of this ideological framework. The spectator constructs meaning according to the codes at his/her disposal i.e. meaning is socially mediated and not individualistic; Social identity – the spectator constructs meaning according to the codes as his/her disposal ie the meaning constructed is socially mediated and not purely personal or individual. Context and Audience: Where is the image to be found? You need to consider whether it is/was intended for a magazine, a poster, a street hoarding etc. What is/was the intended public for the image? What impact might identified issues have had upon the design of the image under analysis? When considering a news photograph a number of other questions might be asked – such as the news value of the image itself and the relationship between the image itself and the surrounding text.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Organization Planning, Project Management and Information

Application: Organization Planning, Project Management, and Information Technology The successful implementation and subsequent meaningful use of information technology solutions within a health care organization is a challenging and iterative process. The organization must engage in careful and ongoing strategic and tactical planning to ensure that the implemented technology will ultimately be effective and beneficial for its practitioners, staff, and patients.To prepare for this Application Assignment, review the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources on strategic and tactical planning for health information technology and the application of project management methodology by health care organizations to facilitate the implementation of its technology solutions. To complete this Application Assignment, write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you: Distinguish between strategic planning and tactical planning within an organization, delineating at least two key diff erences between them.Characterize the relationship between strategic planning and information technology, with consideration given to how this relationship ultimately benefits a health care organization. Explain how the application of project management methodology benefits an organization and, in the context of a health care organization, how it facilitates the implementation of that organization's information technology solutions. What does a healthcare organization do when they see the need for change or something new, like the advancement of information technology?Firstly, the organization needs to develop goals and that can be obtained by planning (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). Now the organization needs to know how and when this change is going to take place (Project Management for Development Organizations, 2011). This paper will discuss in better detail in what takes place in organizational planning, project management, and information technology. Health care organizations have to plan so they will meet the expectations of their patrons and everyone within the organization.These health care organizations have two types of planning to follow, and they are tactical and strategic planning. When tactical planning takes place, there is a short term goal in mind (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). The course of action for a tactical plan is to achieve a goal within a year or less time period (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). A tactical plan has a smaller scope and shorter time span than a strategic plan (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102).It takes several tactical plans to achieve the strategic plan (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). Strategic planning differs from tactical planning, because in strategic plan, the course of action is to achieve goals for the long term (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). Strategic planning goals are usually wanted to be completed with five years (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). The organization’s mission statement purpose and direction are reflected upon strategic planning (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102).Top management must view reports on operations, external environments and finances when looking to develop a strategic plan (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). The development of tactical plans are influenced by strategic plans (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102). It is in every healthcare organizations interest to make a strategic plan for using information technology. Health care information technology or HIT will offer many opportunities in the United States health care delivery system (New York Health Care Commission ,n. . ). One of these opportunities would be quality improvements in the clinical setting, as well as more timely access to health information and patient records, and the reduction of medical errors (New York Health Care Commission ,n. d. ). In addition to th ese benefits of HIT, cost savings would result (New York Health Care Commission ,n. d. ). Instead of each physician’s office having a different paper copy of a patient records, HIT would allow an EHR or electronic health record (New York Health Care Commission ,n. . ). This EHR is the computerized version of patient records, so each physician would have the same access to the same patient information (New York Health Care Commission ,n. d. ). But the ultimate goal of the HIT is to allow a patient’s EHR to be access from anywhere in the country (New York Health Care Commission ,n. d. ). It is important to a health care organization to develop tactical plans for the use of information technology, because the goal is strategic. The HHS or the U. S.Department of Health ; Human Services has a strategic plan in place for the use of information technology, in which they want to improve the management on information technology performance and optimize the impact of information technology in three to five years (U. S. Department of Health ; Human Services, 2010). Project management methodology benefits an organization in several ways. With effective use, project management methodology provides a means of a cost effective use of limited resources, like funds and people (Project Management for Development Organizations, 2011).Project management methodology prevents duplication of efforts that has an impact on the organization’s developmental goals; which causes additional cost to the organization, reduces the amount of trust the organization’s donors and stakeholder to give and increases risks (Project Management for Development Organizations, 2011). The use of project management methodology helps deliver the expected outcomes to impact the community that the organization serves (Project Management for Development Organizations, 2011).More positive outcomes delivered due to a formal framework, the reduced risk of project failure, consistent re sults and increased productivity and efficiency are some benefits of project management methodology in the healthcare industry (Healthcare Information and Management Systems, 2007). Other benefits included are the improvements of quality and communications, the reduction of variability, standardization, and the increased chance of delivery to time, scope and budget (Healthcare Information and Management Systems, 2007).Project management methodology in the healthcare industry also provides a return on investments (Healthcare Information and Management Systems, 2007). There is a lot to entail when it comes to information technology at a healthcare organization because there are many projects in progress and limited resources, people and funds (Healthcare Information and Management Systems, 2007). Project management methodology provides the plan of how and when the implementation of the organization's information technology solutions needs to happen (Healthcare Information and Manageme nt Systems, 2007).This provides better fit of solution the first time through and allows problems to be resolved more quickly (Healthcare Information and Management Systems, 2007). In conclusion, organizational planning, project management, and information technology are important to a healthcare organization. Organizational planning provides the healthcare organizations with goals, from little goals to building up to more substantial ones (Society for Human Resource Management, 2102).Project management provides the healthcare organizations the ways and planning to accomplish these goals (Project Management for Development Organizations, 2011). In this stage of healthcare, information technology is the end goal because it will make practicing health more efficient and will provide better care to the patient (Healthcare Information and Management Systems, 2007). Within time, all healthcare organizations will achieve these goals. References Healthcare Information and Management System s (2007). Retrieved September 9, 2012 from http://www. imss. org/content/files/WhyHaveProjectManagementMethodology. pdf New York Health Care Commission. (n. d. ). Retrieved September 8, 2012 from website: http://www. nyhealthcarecommission. org/docs/hit. pdf Project Management for Development Organizations. (2011). Benefits of a project management methodology. Retrieved September 9, 2012 from http://www. google. com/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCYQFjAB&url=http://www. pm4dev. com/resources/edocs/doc_download/9-benefits-of-a-project-management-methodology. tml&ei=4RtNUPrZCqGQ2QXKiIG4Cw&usg=AFQjCNGGAqhvaHnGwdgg9wbKvyK9a-WTOg&sig2=DD97M5G-24-wMPx_lgiBng Society for Human Resource Management. (2102). Could you explain the difference between strategic and tactical plans and give examples of each?. Retrieved September 8, 2012 from http://www. shrmindia. org/could-you-explain-difference-between-strategic-and-tactical-plans-and-give-examples-each U. S. Department of Healt h & Human Services. (2010). HHS enterprise information technology strategic plan . Retrieved September 8, 2012 from http://www. hhs. gov/ocio/plans/itstrategicplan. html

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bernoullis Principle

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: Bernoullis Principle is a physical phenomenon that was named after the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli who lived during the eighteenth century. Bernoulli studied the relationship of the speed of a fluid and pressure. The Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) discovered the principle that bears his name while conducting experiments concerning an even more fundamental concept: the conservation of energy. This is a law of physics that holds that a system isolated from all outside factors maintains the same total amount of energy, though energy transformations from one form to another take place. writing help service The principle states that the pressure of a fluid [liquid or gas] decreases as the speed of the fluid increases. Within the same fluid (air in the example of aircraft moving through air), high-speed flow is associated with low pressure, and low-speed flow is associated with high pressure. OBJECTIVE: *USE BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE TO EXPLAIN HOW THE ENERGY OF A FLUID AND ITS PRESSSURE ARE RELATED. *EXPLAIN SOME SITUATIONS USING BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE. SCOPE: *the first fly of airplane In 1899, after Wilbur Wright had written a letter of request to the Smithsonian Institution for information about flight experiments, the Wright Brothers designed their first aircraft: a small, biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the craft by wing warping. Wing warping is a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircrafts rolling motion and balance. * Thursday 2 June-06-011 VORTEX CLIMBER: Researchers at the University of Canterbury can make a robot stick to walls through pressurized air. The non-contact adhesive pad, or air gripper, uses the Bernoulli principle. The feet of the robot dont actually touch the wall but are held 25 micrometers away about 0. 025 mm. Air is squirted out from the feet sideways at high speed, causing a low pressure vortex that creates a * Morgan County students compete at wind generator contest at GCSU related news 2011-05-12 Hard work paid off for 8th grade students at Morgan County Middle School as their teams placed second and third in the 1st Annual Middle Grades Wind Power Competition at Georgia College and State University today, Monday, May 9, 2011. The competition was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, and highlighted Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM) Education. * How cats drink: A lesson in fluid mechanics related news 2010-11-12 Philadelphia Daily News By Tom Avril Inquirer Staff Writer In the annals of animals who have contributed to science, there are Laika the Soviet space dog; Koko, the gorilla who is said to use sign language; and Lancelot, the blind dog who regained some vision after gene therapy at the University of Pennsylvania. And now, Cutta Cutta, the cat? The feline did not exactly provide a cure for cancer, but he has made something * When airplanes fall from the sky related news 2009-06-07 Arab News Chris Impey | LA Times Ive traveled more than five million miles by air — far enough to get to the moon and back 10 times — but I still get a sense of amazement when Im in a fully laden 747 and we lift off. A million pounds of metal traveling at more than 200 mph, countering the force of gravity. Its a minor miracle. Which is why it is so shocking when planes fall from the sky, as happened Chapter II: RELATED STUDIES: *Archimedes principle (Hydrostatics) Archimedes principle that states that a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. The principle applies to both floating and submerged bodies and to all fluids, i. e. , liquids and gases. It explains not only the buoyancy of ships and other vessels in water but also the rise of a balloon in the air and the apparent loss of weight of objects underwater *Hydrodynamics A liquid or gas flows from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. This happens, for example, when water is squeezed from a sponge or squirted from a hose. The flow of a liquid or gas can be laminar (smooth) or turbulent (rough and eddying). *Torricellis Theorem Is an application of the Law of Falling Bodies to liquids. This theorem was derived by the Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647). It states that a liquid flowing from an outlet in a tank has the same speed as an object falling freely from the level of the liquids surface to the level of the outlet. The theorem also states that a jet of water rises to the level of its source, unless opposed by friction. Torricellis Theorem explains the action of an artesian well. *Pascals Law, The law states that pressure upon the fluid at any point will be transmitted uniformly throughout the fluid. In the case of a gas, a pressure increase causes compression (uniform lessening of volume). Liquids, however, are not compressible. An increase of pressure at any point upon a contained liquid will result in an increase of pressure at every point upon the walls of the container; the volume of the liquid remains the same. Pascals Law explains the action of a hydraulic press and similar devices. Aerodynamics Aerodynamics is the study of air flow over airplanes, cars, and other objects. Airplanes fly because of the way in which air flows over their wings and around their bodies, so a knowledge of aerodynamics is crucial to the design and construction of airplanes. The efficiency with which automobiles use fuel is also a function of air flow. Even stationary objects are affected by aerodynamics. Winds blowing past a tall building, for example, may cause windows to pop out if they are not properly designed and installed. RELATED LETERATURE: *Hydrodynamica By Daniel Bernoulli He considered the properties of basic importance in fluid flow, particularly pressure, density, and velocity, and set forth their fundamental relationship. He put forward what is called Bernoulli’s principle, which states that the pressure in a fluid decreases as its velocity increases. He also established the basis *Liquids and Gases: Principles of Fluid Mechanics Book by Paul Fleisher; Lerner, 2002 Subjects: Fluid MechanicsJuvenile Literature Bernoulli’s principle works just as well with liquids. Most chemistry labs have a piece on, it rushes past the side tube at a high speed. According to Bernoulli’s principle, high velocity creates low pressure. So the side tube generates *Principles of Experimental Phonetics Book by Norman J. Lass; Mosby, 1996 Subjects: Phonetics, Experimental, Speech can be described in the oversimplified terms of Bernoulli’s principle Lieberman, 1968 . Consider that airflow through and therefore the potential energy must decrease. Bernoulli’s equation demonstrates that pressure falls at the *Principles of Economics Vol. 2 Book by C. W. Guillebaud, Alfred Marshall; Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society, 1961 Subjects: Economics poor in equal proportions, price becomes a fair measure of utility; provided allowance is made for collective wealth. 3. Bernoullis suggestion. The edge of enjoyment blunted by familiarity. Superior nobility of collective over private use of wealth. pp * Encyclopedia of Earth and Physical Sciences Vol. 4 Book by Marshall Cavendish; Marshall Cavendish, 2005 Subjects: Earth SciencesEncyclopedias, Physical SciencesEncyclopedias tends to counteract the effect. Bernoulli’s principle explains how airplanes it does over the bottom. From Bernoulli’s equation, as the velocity of lift. Curveballs also rely on Bernoulli’s principle. Putting a spin on a baseball * Scientific American Inventions and Discoveries: All the Milestones in IngenuityFrom the Discovery of Fire to the Invention of the Microwave Oven Book by Rodney Carlisle; Wiley, 2004 Subjects: InventionsHistoryEncyclopedias, InventionsUnited StatesEncyclopedias, Technological InnovationsEncyclopedias, TechnologyHistoryEncyclopedias was not developed until 1761. Bernoulli’s principle In 1738, the Swiss natural philosopher ower surface, creating lift. Bernoulli’s principle is employed in the VI and in boat-keel design. Bernoulli’s principle can be used to explain CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY: Upon gathering data, direct observation was made to add some knowledge to us about the Bernoulli’s principle. Related books and magazines as the primary tool of the study were used. Books and information from internet were also used as the other sources of additional knowledge about the principle of Bernoulli’s, we also asked some physics teacher about the matter that we have.

Lecture on Race Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lecture on Race - Essay Example However, in the Revisionist School of Thought during the 1950s and 1960s, these teachers were considered protagonists - heroes actually, who were active in fighting for education and for the right to vote. One of the early demands of the freed slaves after the war was the right to education. This was heard by the Northern commanders occupying the South - and this led to the Port Royal Experiment. Furthermore, one of these Freedmen teachers, Mary Peake put up a school in 1861 in Virginia. 2. What was the Supreme Court Decision concerning segregation in the case, Plessy V. Ferguson. What was the Supreme Court Decision concerning segregation in the case, Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The Supreme Court, accordingly after the Civil War, ruled in favor of the segregation policy in the South, where public places were segregated into different areas for blacks and whites. The rule being followed was "separate but equal" doctrine. In Plessy V. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that Homer Plessy, who was colored yet by blood lineage, more white than black, was fallacious in his thinking by refusing to ride a train coach for colored people in Louisiana because in his view it rendered black people inferior. In its decision, the Supreme Court ruled implicitly that inferiority is a matter of feeling or point of view - "it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put the construction upon it". In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, the Supreme Court, on the other hand ruled against the segregation policy, when it said that segregation had no place in public education - "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal". The case arose as black children challenged the decision of the Topeka Board that put up separate facilities for black and white children. 3. What was the difference in their view of native Americans between men authors and women diarists Men and women authors differed when it came to the portrayal of native Americans. Men authors, who were white, were coming from a point of view on which American Indians were the enemies and white men who searched and fought for settlement areas in the West, were the heroes. Their source of information was their experience as white men and those of others who were also like them, white men. They of course emphasized that part of history when men had to conquer the lands, and in that way gave focus to the danger and treachery posed by the native Americans who were the enemies and of the heroic adventures of the settlers. This point of view became the basis for the hostile policy against native Americans. Women authors on the other hand, saw behind the wagon train tales of hostile action and adventure. American Indians, according to the diaries and recollection of women were recorded as friendly and of service. It was as not much of the danger posed by the native American that the women authors spoke of - but of other difficulties such as disease, drowning and death in the move towards the West. Moreover, the women authors portrayed men who were their husbands as not necessarily good hunters or providers. They humanized their men,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business organisation and policy cartels and monopolies Essay

Business organisation and policy cartels and monopolies - Essay Example On the other hand, buying cartels aim at purchasing raw materials for its members while the output determining cartels determine the quantity of output for each member unit as the name suggests (Sangla 2009, p.181). Without government intervention, an isolated monopolistic firm would only exist in an ideal world. This is because most monopolistic firms make a lot of profits thus encouraging the formation of rival firms. In the long run, the new firms break the monopoly. Most governments in the 1920s embraced mergers and trade unions in key economical sectors such as chemical and metal industries (McTavish 2005, p.52). However, most of the business organizations preferred cartels to the other forms of trade convergence. After the World War II, the business field developed thorough monopolies and restrictive practices, which had salient effects on business organizations (McTavish 2005, p.52). Currently, it is only America in the whole world, which has not legalized cartel formation. One of the most popular cartels today is the organization of petroleum-exporting countries (OPEC). OPEC was established mainly to control the amount of oil each member produced. Member units that form cartels always enjoy a wide variety of benefits. Each member usually has a guarantee to earn fixed minimum profit which is not the case with other business institutions. In addition, all marketing and other secondary functions of the individual business organizations such as transportation, advertisement and marketing research are normally carried out by the cartels (Sangla 2009, p.181). In addition, the member firms also enjoy price control. Since, in working as a pool, the individual firms acquire monopolistic characteristics, they are in a position to charge the prices of their products at their own will. Conversely, the cartels and monopolistic

Saturday, July 27, 2019

ERIE Assignment Part III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ERIE Assignment Part III - Essay Example Currently, a lot of scientists are trying to study the most urgent questions of neurology and neuroscience for being able to elaborate efficacious recommendations and guidance for educational policy. Discoveries made in the research of brain’s activity will manage to widen our abilities and thereby find a totally new and more advanced phase of societal development. Although majority of scientists realize the significance of neuroscience, some of them consider that its role is rather over generalized because those knowledge and findings that we have can not be sufficient for educators. Hence, Bruer (1997) states that lately more and more people become confident in potential of neuroscience to provide better education, but because of such erroneously reassuring notion cognitive psychology is often left behind and underestimated meanwhile only its study is able genuinely to create well-grounded link between education and brain activity. According to the discoveries of neuroscientists, the biggest number of synapses which unite neurons in the brain can be seen in a period of childhood, when elimination of synapses comes after synaptic proliferation. It is considered that in case of high density of synapses, human’s brain is characterized with the highest efficiency in the process of education. In this respect, Begley claims that if parents and educators do not ensure a child with favorable stipulations for learning in a specific age period, some opportunities will be hardly restored in the future (cited in Bruer, 1997). This is why it is extremely urgent to pay sufficient attention to children’s education in the period of early childhood. According to neuroscientific findings, period of high brain activity varies from birth to ten years and taking into account such long and inaccurate age margins, some educational programs, such as

Friday, July 26, 2019

HIMS650 Article Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HIMS650 Article Critique - Assignment Example It is focused on figuring out the reasons for following problems in order to dive deeper. Qualitative research includes participations, observations, interviews and group discussions. Quantitative research is focused at the quantification of the data. With the help of quantitative research, different variables such as behaviors, opinions and attitudes can be assessed. Mixed research on the other hand is a mixture of both methods. The authors performed a quantitative research in the method. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages for selecting this method. Using the quantitative research helped the authors to evaluate the actual percentage of informed people in their area. They used statistics to reach their result and collected fast outcomes with the help of statistically valid random models. However, the disadvantage of this method is the limited ability of acquiring answers. For example, in the research, they focused on the survey collection of health workers at eight hospitals. It excluded out all the other departments which might have improved their research. The research could be carried out better with a mixed research method. It would help the authors evaluate why they received their results as provided. If they found that the results were lower than expected, a mixed research method could have helped them figure out the reason why the findings were lower than their expectations. Albano, L., Matuozzo, A., Marinelli, P., & Di Giuseppe, G. (2014). Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of hospital health-care workers regarding influenza A/H1N1: A cross sectional survey. BMC Infectious Diseases, 14(1), 1-13.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cold Mountain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cold Mountain - Essay Example It is worth noting that this two individuals only knew each other for a brief moment but Inman deserted the war troops in a bid to see Ada again. In summation the whole book is filled with flashbacks which give a detailed account of the history of this two separated souls. However, in the subsequent sections of this narrative we are going to discuss three important quotes and there relevance in the novel. First and foremost, â€Å"what have you achieved today? Was always nothing†. On the same point, the author uses this particular phrase to signify that Inman had nothing else going on apart from the fact that he wanted to be reunited with Ada. This is evident from the fact that he embarks on a fatal journey in his bid to reunite with Ada despite his war injuries that have not yet healed properly. Secondly, â€Å"But I had no idea on how to prepare a meal†. Apparently, the author uses this phrase to signify that Ada was helpless before her encounter with Ruby, a young woman who taught her survival techniques before the reunion with her husband Inman while she was hunting wild turkey. Lastly, â€Å"Then red her letter† â€Å"she could speak French and Latin†. It is worth noting that Ada was the ministers daughter thus she was well educated. In actual fact, the author uses this particular statement to support this argument since individuals who spoke both French and Latin at the time were mostly the literate individuals in the society. To this end, the cold mountain is an interesting fictional story thus can be read for leisure

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class Assignment

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class - Assignment Example About five percent are reading below grade level and approximately 10 percent are reading above their grade level; there are a few children with diagnosed learning disabilities who have been mainstreamed. There are three fourth grade classes that will join together for the unit on history and we have chosen to study World War II with special emphasis on the Holocaust. The curriculum will work to make the events of the Holocaust relevant to the children. 1. Type of Curriculum Harriet Sepinwall states that John Goodlad created five types of curricula that are suitable for teaching fourth graders about the Holocaust. The five curricula are: ideal, formal, perceived, operational and experimental. The operational design is what has been chosen for this educational plan. The operational classroom speaks to the function of the classroom and what is actually being done. The curriculum is â€Å"defined and assessed by lesson plans, observational reports, and videotapes of instructional situa tions† (Sepinwall 4). By using this type of curriculum it will allow students to be immersed in the Holocaust in order to make it more relevant to them. Activities will include reading, drawing, group work and group reading. 2. Goals for the Curriculum We were able to purchase 51 books about World War II and/or the Holocaust. The objective of our program is to use the story of the Holocaust to teach about tolerance, respect for differences, and to help children understand prejudice. Some of our goals include: 1. Students will read books that include the feelings and emotions of children and adults who experienced the Holocaust. 2. To talk about the Holocaust and WWII as they pertain to prejudice and people who were different. 3. To help children identify situations today that are similar to what the Jews experienced during that time. 4. To discuss how children in school are treated and mistreated and talk about what could be done about those children who are mistreated. 3. Act ivities Because we will have four classes coming together to learn about this time in history, we have planned both online and offline activities. As an example, we will start by talking to students about the Holocaust and what it was and how it fit into World War II. Children will read several stories during the course of two weeks from our new library of books and they will present short reports about what they read. We will discuss the information presented in terms of what happens today in similar situations. We will create literature circles so that children can talk about these experiences and they will learn about the Jewish experience and gain more knowledge about WWII and how it is relevant to the Holocaust. We will have the children look at a world map and find where these activities took place. Children will also talk about Hitler and how he came to power and how he lost. Another topic that will come up will be freedom. We will talk about freedom and how we experience fre edom today and what would happen if those freedoms were taken away. Although we would like to take the children to the Holocaust Museum, we are not sure whether this will be a possibility with the school’s budget. An alternative plan is to take them to the museum website because there is a lot of information to read and discuss. We can also take the children on a virtual tour of the Anne Frank house with important information about what happened there (one of the books we

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Understanding Best Methods in Evidence-Based Practices in Healthcare Research Paper

Understanding Best Methods in Evidence-Based Practices in Healthcare and for Nurses - Research Paper Example In today’s medical world, electronic clinical information systems (ECIS) are now found in every hospital and clinic setting, allowing for nurses and doctors to quickly access information electronically and apply solutions immediately at the patient’s bedside. When medical staff are able to complete forms and search for information electronically using national standard code terms (or SNLs) on hand-held devices, this eliminates the older practices of having to return to one’s desk to look up information in books and office folders and then notate everything on paper. Eliminating excess time by having portable access to electronic medical information databases on the go, provides the environment in all clinics and hospitals of quickly and accurately providing efficient solutions and operations for all concerned (Allread et al., 2004). The ability for nurses to conduct research also provides the development needed for gaining experience in addressing clinical questi ons about cases and confronting ethical issues (Webb, 2011). Clinical research also provides opportunities to build a strong foundation of scientific information and knowledge, particularly applicable to clinical settings. Research in evidence-based systems also provides opportunities in developing processes within the nursing management sector as part of delivering better information and infrastructure in hospitals and clinics, between management and staff and between management, staff, and patients (Webb, 2011).

Finding and Contribution Essay Example for Free

Finding and Contribution Essay According to many studies and researches over the past 30 years have shown there is an existence of a positive relationship between CSP and CFP. (Frooman, 1997) The data accumulated over the past 30 years do not support the latest contingency theory in the area of corporate social responsibility. (Soana, 2011) Some authors argue that good CFP leads to good CSP because more profitable companies have more resources for investing in socially responsible initiatives. On the other hand, some others believe that Corporate Social Responsibility can determine higher financial results thanks to strategy reassessment, process improvement, and employee, customer and local community loyalty. As well as, the positive relationship between CFP and slack resources argument of CSP could not cover the weaker of the negative relationship itself. Some firms choose the solution for CSP by motivating and using â€Å"ecological† but still practice profit maximization in the state of â€Å"premature† of their company’s lifecycle. For some reputation effects purpose, the public and some other non-market environments may be the reason for the organization to change their long term strategies and consider those social issues to prevent bad reputation CSP disclosures. According to the article, they stated with confidence that the association between CSP and lagged CFP is not negative and it seems to affect each other through a virtuous cycle likewise the financially successful companies spend more on social responsibility activities because their finance supports them. However, the meta-analysis decline the idea that CSP is incompatible and unnecessary with shareholder wealth maximization. For the effectiveness organisation may need more combination of financial and social performance. The article also mentioned that the notions of libertarians such as Friedman that government regulation in the area of CSP may not be necessary. If the analysis shows the negative relationship between CSP and CFP, bottom line decision making may create barriers to outcomes desired by the public. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining the findings from independent studies.By using meta-analysis, researchers can test and identify those areas which are being related by other studies and authorize them. Furthermore, for those unexplained inconsistence from across studies remains relatively large and needed further requirement to identify moderators which can be shown in the analysis as well. In the managerial point of view, market environments will not punish the company if they are in highly corporate social performance. Therefore, the managers can practice social responsibility strategies. (Prasertsang Ussahawanitchakit, 2011) Corporate social responsibility strategy refers to managers’ awareness of public policy, social care, surrounding organization responsibility for society and natural of the environment both internal and external organization. â€Å"Internal† is well-being of employees, safety and supporting education whereas â€Å"external† is responses to the need of customers such as research and development for the high quality of product and service by reducing waste, energy consumption and the pollution that might arise from the production processes. Top managers must use CSP like a reputation level and pay more attention on other party’s perceptions about their organizations. Moreover, they need to know whether they are currently under study of any market analyst, public interest group or the media. A company which highly in CSP can get extra return from rece iving public endorsement from federal agencies. Overall Assessment Generally, by using quantitative research, this article is trying to show that the prevailing trend claim that we are lack of generalizable knowledge about CSP and CFP which is built on unstable base. The particular objectives of this meta-analysis include providing a statistical integration of the accumulated research on the relationship between CSP and CFP. As well as, assessing the relative predictive validity of instrumental stakeholder theory in the context of that relationship between CSP and CFP and examine several moderators, such as operationalization of CSP and CFP, and timing of CSP and CFP measurement as well. The meta-analysis was built on earlier researches by including market return measures in addition to accounting return, CSP measures other than social responsibility audits performed by Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini Co., Inc. Moreover, It responses to Waddock and Graves’s call for research on the temporal consistency of results, independent of the time lag chosen between CSP and CFP. Furthermore, it integrates empirical results across diverse study contexts and enabling them to look for theoretical moderators and statistical artefacts that might explain the highly variable results across other previous studies. Author provides a methodologically stricter review than other studies in the past 30 years. The meta-analysis findings suggest that corporate virtue in the form of social responsibility such as public policy, social care, well-being of employees, etc†¦ Firmly the performance of the corporate is affected by their managerial strategies and activities in market and non-market environments. Some firms choose the solution for CSP by motivating and using â€Å"ecological† but still practice profit maximization and shareholder profit maximization. Additionally, this article introduces a meta-analysis review of primary quantitative studies of the relationship between CSP and CFP. The particular objectives of this meta-analysis include providing a statistical integration of the accumulated research on the relationship between CSP and CFP Bibliography Frooman, J., 1997. Socially irresponsible and illegal behavior and shareholder wealth: A meta-analysis of event studies. Business Society, Volume 36, pp. 221-249. Prasertsang, S. Ussahawanitchakit, P., 2011. Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, Marketing Performance and Marketing Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation of ISO 14000 Businesses in Thailand. International Journal of Business Strategy, Volume 11, pp. 60-72. Soana, M.-G., 2011. The Relationship Between Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance in the Banking Sector. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 July 2012]. Waddock, S. A. . G. S. B., 1997. The corporate social performance–financial performance link. Strategic Management Journal, Volume 18, p. 303–319.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Elements of Music Essay Example for Free

Elements of Music Essay Review Questions: 1. The basic elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, melody, and form. 2. Pitch is the frequency of a sound; it relates to the highness or lowness of a tone that we hear. 3. Syncopation involves placing emphasis on normally un-emphasized beats or using a rest on a normally emphasized beat. The types of music that uses syncopation are ska, reggae, rap, jazz, and some forms of metal. 4. The three examples in forms of music are concerto, sonata, and symphony. A concerto is a musical piece in which one solo instrument (such as a piano or violin) is accompanied by an orchestra. A sonata is a musical composition for a solo instrument (often piano or other keyboard instruments). A symphony is a musical piece that has been scored for a full orchestra; it is often an extended composition. 5. Form in music is the framework that a composer uses to create a piece of music. It is the combination of other musical instruments, such as pitch, tempo, and dynamics. Critical Thinking Questions 1. I definitely agree with this assessment because music speaks to different cultures around the world, defining the term ‘’universal’’. Even if two people speak two different languages, such as French or Japanese, they would still relate to their own way of music throughout their language in their types of background. 2. Musical notation is important because it determines how you learn the notes of the music and how the piece is played. The benefits of writing down notes to make a musical piece are creating the melody sharing the music with others by communicating them through the piece, and possibly make more pieces somewhat similar to that. 3. The ways we use music in our society are through listening on the radio in our cars, or on our mp3 players. We use it through TV commercials, movies, in stores as background music, videogames, and mostly on the internet. We can also make music ourselves based off of playing instruments, recordings in studios, and making beats with any object or instrument. This is also how I mostly use music in my life, particularly through being in choirs, singing, and getting inspiration to do so by listening to different types of music on my mp3 player. 4. The experience I felt which changed my mood about the specific music that played is when in 2005 I went to my first concert in California with my mother and my aunt to go see Madonna perform. As we sat in the front row, it began by a huge crystal ball coming down on the stage and while it split in two, Madonna appeared and singed with all the backup dancers surrounding her. It was a strange scenery for me on how she appeared on how she appeared and basing her theme off of glittery, shiny glamorous things throughout singing from her most notable songs. Though I was confused at first especially since I was young and never experienced that before, it made me feel excited and happy listening to the rhythm and the melody of the music, which was mainly fast tempo.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mukia Maderaspatana Antioxidant Properties

Mukia Maderaspatana Antioxidant Properties Plants have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biological functions and to defend against attack from predators. Mukia maderaspatana (L.)M. Romer, is an annual monoecious climber, belonging to Cucurbitaceae family. This plant specify many medicinal properties such as constipation, cough, vertigo, burning sensation, dyspepsia and dental pain.. In this study, ascorbic acid content from fresh leaves and fruits were carried out. Also, the phytochemical analysis such as Total flavonoid, total phenolics contents of the plant were characterized, and found that leaves of M.maderaspatana is rich in ascorbic acid, an antioxidant than that of fruits and also contains adequate amount of phenolics and flavonoid contents in leaves as compared to fruits. Keywords: Mukia maderaspatana, Phytochemical activity, Antioxidant activity. Introduction: Plants (fruits, vegetables, medicinal herbs, etc.) may contain a wide variety of free radical scavenging molecules, such as phenolic compounds (e.g. phenolic acids, flavonoids, lignans, tannins), nitrogen compounds, vitamins, terpenoids (including carotenoids), and some other endogenous metabolites, which are rich in antioxidant activity (; Zheng and Wang, 2001; Cai et al., 2003). Phytochemicals present in plants have been shown to have diverse biological activities like cardioprotective, cancer prevention and inhibiton of bone resorption. One of the most common activities of the phytochemicals is the antioxidant .(B.R.Srilatha and S.Ananda., 2012). The total antioxidant activity of plant foods is the result of individual activities of each of the antioxidant compounds present such as vitamin C, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds, the latter being the major phytochemicals responsible for antioxidant activity of plant materials (Javanmardi, Stushnoff, Locke, Vivanco, 2003;) Plants are the natural source for many biochemicals, fragrance, food coloures ,flavors and medicines with less side affects. Most valuable phytochemicals are the products of secondary metabolism .The use of plants as medicines predates written human history. All the plants produce chemical compounds as a part of their normal metabolic activity. The scientific interest in identifying novel natural antioxidants for use in foods has considerably increased in recent years, because the use of synthetic antioxidants as food additives is limited by specific regulations in various countries, established on the basis of their safety.(Spiridon Kintzios et al.2010). Many plants synthesize substances that are useful to the maintenance of health in humans and other animals. Compounds like flavonoids, phenolics are widely distributed in plants fulfilling many functions. They are most common group of polyphenolic compounds in human diet, and are known for their antioxidant activities. Pharmaceutica ls and food manufactures have become interested in these compounds for their medicinal properties especially their putatitive role in inhibiting cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidant plays an important role in the living system and it prevents the oxidative damage that may result in cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. (Sangilimuthu Alagar Yadav et al.,2012) Ascorbic acid , which is commonly known as vitamin C is common antioxidant . Ascorbic acid present in medicinal plants has attracted the attention of many researchers because of the wide range of their biological activities. (Mallika Jainu et al., 2008). Many studies have correlated high intakes of vitamin c, with low rates of cancer, particularly cancers of mouth, larynx and esophagus. Use of plants to treat diseases is almost universal among non industrialized societies, and are often more affordable than purchasing expensive modern pharmaceuticals. Many of the pharmaceuticals currently available to physician s have long history of use as herbal remedies including aspirin, digitalis, quinine and opium. Leaves and Fruits of Mukia maderasapatana Melothria madraspatana (Syn. Mukia maderaspatana L.) is an annual climber with hair shoots. It is an edible plant typically low in calories, low in fat, high in dietary fibre, high in iron and calcium and very high in phytochemicals such as Vitamin C, vitaminK, carotenoids, lutein, folate and polyphenolics compounds such as flavonoid etc. The whole plant is useful as it has valuable medicinal properties, cough, dental pain, burning sensation, and ayurvedic properties such as Rasa, Guna,Virya, vata, pita. In scientific literature M. maderaspatana has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, anti arthiritic Immunomodulatory, anti platelet ,hepato protective and antimicrobial. (B.R.Srilatha and S.Ananda., 2012). So the present study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolics, flavonoid and ascorbic acid contents in the leaves and the fruits of the plant. Materials and methods Plant material: M.maderaspatana were collected from vellore institute of technology (VIT) garden, vellore, Tamilnadu, State of India. Chemicals: Ascorbate, Trichloroacetic acid, DNPH (2,4 Dinitro phenylhydrazine) reagent, Thiourea solution, FC ( Folin ciocalteau)reagent, Catechol, Sodium carbonate, Ethanol, Quercetin, Aluminium Chloride, Potassium acetate. Estimation of Ascorbic acid The amount of ascorbic acid present in leaves and fruits of M.maderaspatana was estimated by method of (Roe and Keuther1943).Fresh leaves and fruits (1gm) were homogenized with 10ml of 4% TCA and centrifuged at 2000 rpm. The supernatant obtained was treated with pinch of activated charcoal for 10 min. Centrifugation was repeated and clear supernatant was obtained. Two different aliquots of supernatant (0.5 and 1.0ml) were taken as test sample . The volume was made upto 2.0ml with 4% TCA ,0.5ml of DNPH, 2drop of 10% thiourea solution was added and incubated for 3 hour at 37ËÅ ¡c . 2.5ml of 85% sulphuric acid was added and absorbance was read at 540 nm against blank . Ascorbate was used as standard. The ascorbic acid was expressed as mg equivalent per gram of extract. Preparation of ethanolic extract for phenolics: The leaves and the fruits of the plant were shade dried and powdered in the grinder. The powder leaves and fruits (25gm) was extracted with 85% ethanol (100ml) and kept overnight. The ethanol was evaporated next day using water bath and the residue was dried and used for further analysis. Estimation of phenolics: The total phenolic content present in leaves and fruits were assayed by (Mallick and Singh 1980). 10mg of plant extract was dissolved in 1ml of 80% ethanol. Further dilution were made up to 1mg /ml and different concentrations ( 10 µl,50 µl,100 µl and 250 µl) were taken and made up to 3ml with distilled water. 0.5ml of Folin ciocalteau reagent was added and incubated for 3min at RT. 2ml of sodium carbonate was added and kept in boiling water bath for 1min, cooled and absorbance was measured at 650 nm against blank .Catechol was used as standard. The total phenolic content was expressed as Catechol equivalent in mg per gram of extract. Estimation of flavonoids: The total flavonoids contents present in leaves and fruits were assayed by (Chang et al.,2002).10mg of plant extract was dissolved in 1ml of 80% ethanol, further dilution were made upto 1mg/ml and different concentrations ( 10  µl,50 µl,100 µl and 250 µl )were taken, 0.1ml of 10% aluminium chloride and 0.1ml of 1M potassium acetate and reaction mixture were made upto 3ml with distilled water. After 30min incubation at RT, the absorbance was measured at 415nm, against blank. Quercetin was used as standard. The flavonoid content was expressed as Quercetin equivalent in mg per gm of extract. Results: Standard graphs of Ascorbate, Catechol and Quercetin for Ascorbic acid, Phenolics and Flavonoid respectively are shown below, and The total content of these phytochemicals, present in M.maderaspatana were assayed using these standard graph The amount of Ascorbic acid, Total Phenolics and Flavonoids present in the leaves and fruits were investigated. The amount of Ascorbic acid is expressed as mg ascorbate /g. Graph1: (Standard curve equation Y= 0.007 x, r2 = 0.992), The total amount of phenolics is expressed as mg Catechol/g. Graph 2: ( Standard curve equation Y = 0.029 x, , r2 = 0.995) and The total amount of Flavonoid is expressed as mg Quercetin /g. Graph 3: (Standard curve equation Y = 0.012 x, r2 = 0.993) is tabulated below. Discussion: Medicinal plants are reported to be rich in antioxidants, namely polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamin A, C, E and several other constituents, which are necessary for maintaining good health and useful for therapeutic purposes against various diseases (Scalbert, Johnson, Saltmarsh, 2005) Medicinal plants are gaining a lot of importance as an alternate medicine against therapy and prevention from various diseases.(Raj Kumar Dutta et al.,2012). The result of present study in quantitative analysis of Ascorbic acid in leaves of Mukia maderaspatana were high (99.046  ± 1.413  µg/g) comparatively to that of fruits, (24.52  ± 1.43  µg/g) and various studies have revealed that ascorbic acid is an antioxidant vitamin that acts synergistically with tocopherol to preserve antioxidant function in chronic disease states (Bruno et al.,2006; Traber Stevens, 2011, Nuri Andarwulan et al .,2012). And Total Phenolics (31.08  ± 0.5291  µg/g) and Flavonoid (25.388 à ‚ ± 0.0174  µg/g) contents were also high in leaves to that of fruits (14.97  ± 1.127  µg/g ),( 6.47  ± 0.012  µg/g ) respectively .In the whole, leaves showed the higher amount of contents as compared to that of the fruits, and the antioxidant property of ascorbic acid were high when compared to phenolics an flavonoid contents in M.maderaspatana plant. Conclusions: The data presented in the study showed that Mukia maderaspatana is rich in antioxidant properties, especially Ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the treatment and prevention of scurvy and reduce neurological defects. The plant also contain adequate amount of flavonoid and phenolic content, which have anti-germ activities, anti tumor and anti inflammatory properties with reduced risk of heart disease  and many chronical diseases. Thus determining the antioxidant activities from M. maderaspatana could be valuable for pharmaceuticals and even for the food industries as they are abundantly found.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The first child beauty pageant started in America in the 1960’s and started a major American trend. Back then, little girls were dressed up in their Sunday dress with no makeup, and no revealing clothing nothing as extravagant as children are today. Child beauty pageants are so popular here in the USA there is a reality show called â€Å"Toddlers and Tiaras.† This show shows what goes on from the start of a day to the end of the day. The show shows what contestants go through to get ready for the pageant, how they are transformed to look like little adults. They try to act older than they are and carry themselves in a way that is unbecoming of a little girl. Beauty pageants are teaching little girls that how they look on the outside and flirting is how they win in life. Beauty pageants should be restricted for children under the age of 16. Beauty pageants are too vigorous for children, and sending the wrong message as what beauty should look like. Beauty pageants have little girls as young as 4 years old spending hours preparing for a competition. They put on as much makeup as an adult would wear. They have fake eyelashes, fake teeth, spray tan, hair extensions, and some low cut outfit on, and then told to go on stage and impress the judges. If you are not a certain size and maintain that size, you are considered unattractive so many girls start obsessing about their weight at such a young age. They purposely starve themselves in order to stay at the "appropriate" weight in order to win. When contestants make poor judgments of themselves, it can lead to poor self- esteem and to eating disorders. Restricting the age requirements on beauty pageants will take the pressure off children that do not want to participate. A pe... ...p, dancing and singing and winning awards for placing higher than the other children place. Advocates say this is a way they can earn money and scholarships and for college. Is it right to teach children that beauty is solely based on what is on the outside, or should they know that beauty comes from within? Beauty pageants teach children at a young age that people will judge someone based on looks and not personality. For years, beauty pageants have been based on children wearing hairpieces, makeup, spray tans, and false teeth. Beauty pageants diminish self-esteem and teach children bad morals. Beauty pageants create mental and physical harm to a child throughout a pageant. Beauty pageants should be restricted for children under the age of 16; their fragile minds are not ready for the criticism that comes with the idea of being â€Å"perfect† in the judges’ mind.

Down Syndrome :: chromosome disorders mental retardation

Down Syndrome People with Down syndrome are first and foremost human beings who have recognizable physical characteristics due to the presence of an extra chromosome 21. The estimated incidence of Down syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births. Each year approximately 3,000 to 5,000 children are born with this chromosome disorder. It is believed there are about 250,000 families in the United States who are affected by Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome are usually smaller, and their physical and mental developments are slower, than youngsters who do not have Down syndrome. The majority of children with Down syndrome function in the mild to moderate range of mental retardation. However, some children are not mentally retarded at all; they may function in the borderline to low average range; others may be severely mentally retarded. There is a wide variation in mental abilities and developmental progress in children with Down syndrome. Also, their motor development is slow; and instead of walking by 12 to 14 months as other children do, children with Down syndrome usually learn to walk between 15 to 36 months. Language development is also markedly delayed. It is important to note that a caring and enriching home environment, early intervention, and integrated education efforts will have a positive influence on the child's development. Although individuals with Down syndrome have distinct physical characteristics, generally they are more similar to the average person in the community than they are different. The physical features are important to the physician in making the clinical diagnosis, but no emphasis should be put on those characteristics otherwise. Not every child with Down syndrome has all the characteristics; some may only have a few, and others may show most of the signs of Down syndrome. Some of the physical features in children with Down syndrome include flattening of the back of the head, slanting of the eyelids, small skin folds at the inner corner of the eyes, depressed nasal bridge, slightly smaller ears, small mouth, decreased muscle tone, loose ligaments, and small hands and feet. About fifty percent of all children have a gap between the first and second toes. The physical features observed in children with Down syndrome usually do not cause any disability in the child. Although many theories have been developed, it is not known what actually causes Down syndrome. It has been known for some time that the risk of having

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Will It Crumble, Rip or Freeze? Scientist have been throwing around ideas and theories as to how the universe will end, or if will even end at all. Several scenarios are up in the air; these scenarios are predicting the possible fate of our universe. A few scenarios among many are The Big Crunch, Big Rip and Big Freeze. No one knows for sure what will happen to the universe, at this point in time we question if we have enough evidence for any of these scenarios to become a solid thought. Another question thrown around is, will the universe ever end? The first of the scenarios I mentioned is The Big Crunch. The Big Crunch is thought to be a consequence of how the universe was formed in the first place. This theory tells us that the universe’s expansion, due to the big bang, is thought to stop its expansion. The scientists exploring this phenomenon think that it may eventually stop expanding and collapse into itself, pulling everything in with it. This will lead to the transformation of the universe to a huge black hole. Going into further detail, it is said that if the universe has large quantities of dark energy then the expansion of our universe could theoretically continue forever. Another valid point is that if our universe were at a loss of dark energy then gravity would have to eventually stop expanding; leading to contractions of the universe, which will continue until the matter of our universe collapses. This specific phenomenon, The Big Crunch, is looked at as a mirror image, or a reverse effect of the bi g bang. The theory goes on to say how contraction will slow down while the pace of gravity starts to pick up, causing the temperature to increase. When temperature is increasing the stars will eventually ex... one theory that I agree with, they all have valid points to make and all could be possible. It would take years of research and reading scientific evidence for me to side with one of the hundreds of theories people have thrown out there. Some scientists now are even questioning if the universe is going to end at all. There are so many theories out there; the fate of the universe is debatable, and unknown. It is clear that we would need further evidence and advances in physics before it will be remotely possible to know the fate of our universe. Scientists now think, and mostly agree with each other that the fate of the universe depends on three main things: the overall shape or geometry of the universe, how much dark energy it contains, and on the â€Å"equation of state†; which determines how the density of dark energy responds to the expansion of the universe. Essay -- Will It Crumble, Rip or Freeze? Scientist have been throwing around ideas and theories as to how the universe will end, or if will even end at all. Several scenarios are up in the air; these scenarios are predicting the possible fate of our universe. A few scenarios among many are The Big Crunch, Big Rip and Big Freeze. No one knows for sure what will happen to the universe, at this point in time we question if we have enough evidence for any of these scenarios to become a solid thought. Another question thrown around is, will the universe ever end? The first of the scenarios I mentioned is The Big Crunch. The Big Crunch is thought to be a consequence of how the universe was formed in the first place. This theory tells us that the universe’s expansion, due to the big bang, is thought to stop its expansion. The scientists exploring this phenomenon think that it may eventually stop expanding and collapse into itself, pulling everything in with it. This will lead to the transformation of the universe to a huge black hole. Going into further detail, it is said that if the universe has large quantities of dark energy then the expansion of our universe could theoretically continue forever. Another valid point is that if our universe were at a loss of dark energy then gravity would have to eventually stop expanding; leading to contractions of the universe, which will continue until the matter of our universe collapses. This specific phenomenon, The Big Crunch, is looked at as a mirror image, or a reverse effect of the bi g bang. The theory goes on to say how contraction will slow down while the pace of gravity starts to pick up, causing the temperature to increase. When temperature is increasing the stars will eventually ex... one theory that I agree with, they all have valid points to make and all could be possible. It would take years of research and reading scientific evidence for me to side with one of the hundreds of theories people have thrown out there. Some scientists now are even questioning if the universe is going to end at all. There are so many theories out there; the fate of the universe is debatable, and unknown. It is clear that we would need further evidence and advances in physics before it will be remotely possible to know the fate of our universe. Scientists now think, and mostly agree with each other that the fate of the universe depends on three main things: the overall shape or geometry of the universe, how much dark energy it contains, and on the â€Å"equation of state†; which determines how the density of dark energy responds to the expansion of the universe.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Examination Day and Harrison Bergeron Essay

The short stories â€Å"Examination Day† by Henry Seslar and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut, both examine the idea of a world where governments have total control over its citizens. The main characters in the stories are Dickie Jordan and Harrison Bergeron. In â€Å"Examination Day† discrimination against intelligence is portrayed through Dickie who is eliminated because his â€Å"intelligence quotient [was] above the Government regulation.† This quote depicts the governments authority in its society and how the government eradicated the people who questioned them through an intelligence exam. The irony of this examination is that success was seen as negative. Whereas, â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† explores the theme of forced equality in American society in the not so distant future. Right in the introduction, the three main issues concerned throughout the story are given, † Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better lookin g than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution.† Thus, absolute equality in intelligence, physical beauty, and athleticism have been ratified into law by the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, respectively. Both stories share a conflict in regards to person versus society and both the protagonists die at the end. In â€Å"Examination Day† Dickie is on his own when it comes to the test given by the government. Before the test when Dickie asks his father what the test is for, his father tells him†the Government wants to know how smart [Dickie] is.† Later on, the story ends with an automated message from the government with the reason for his death and preferred funeral arrangements. In â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† Harrison knew better than to follow government regulations and tried to make a difference. In the end, he was killed as â€Å"Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, came into the studio with a  double-barreled gauged shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor and the Empress were dead before they hit the floor.† This quote shows the government’s control over what is accepted and what happens to those who exceed government regulation. Harrison wanted an end to the absolute equality so he stood up for the citizens of the country who did not realize how absurd their society was becoming; in the end, he died trying to make a difference. In â€Å"Examination Day† the setting invokes sympathetic feelings towards Dickie. Dickie , a week after his twelfth birthday, was sent from his â€Å"little apartment† to the â€Å"great pillared lobby† within the â€Å"polished† governmental building. This contrast of settings invokes sympathy for Dickie because he is limited to living in a small home while all the money is used by the government to develop large, modern government buildings. Also, Dickie is taken to a place that is foreign to him, with large intimidating architectural masses which makes him seem insignificant and isolated. The story compares the â€Å"dim† and â€Å"cold† room within the government building to the â€Å"warm†, â€Å"bright† house that Dickie lives in. The cold, clinical description of the government building is symbolic of distinction being taken away from humanity. It demonstrates the idea that Dickie is being taken from the comfort of his home and into the control of a frightening, overpowering government. Contrary to Harrison in â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† who is a fourteen year old boy that poses such a terrible threat that he has been shackled with more handicaps than anyone else. Giant earphones instead of the small ear radio his dad has. Large glasses to obscure his vision and give him headaches. So many weights that he â€Å"looked like a walking junkyard.† On top of it all, he is so handsome that they gave him a clown nose, shaved off his eyebrows, and blacked out his teeth. Also, Harrison is so frightening that he is arrested â€Å"on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government.† The government’s news bulletin describes him as â€Å"a genius and an athlete, [†¦] under-handicapped, and should be regarded as extremely dangerous.† In conclusion, both â€Å"Examination Day† and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† examine the idea of a world where the government has total control over the government and individuals living within the government.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Media influences/Reflects society Essay

Media plays a operative role in our baseball club as a routine in our free-and-easy give outs that also leads the partnership with beneficial roles. Media is a massive a analogousl that enhance the association with networking information and develop communication skills with the compounding of television,magazines,books, hotspapers and more. However, media does not only reflects society nevertheless influences them too from few perspectives such as victuals and electronic devices and fashion Media influences the society by electronic devices_ children or junior generations argon the group of society that macrocosm influenced easily especially by electronic devices such as internet, last word phones,video games and so on that this is also stated by grath s.jowett,lan c.jarve and Kathryn h.fuller in children and the movies( media influence and the payne fund controversy) from press pocket billiards of university of Cambridge,1996 _instead of reading books and involving in sports or outdoor(a) activities they atomic number 18 more attracted towards engaging into fond activities _spend more sequence watching television,tv shows, dramas, movies yet most of the children now a eld utilisations internet and gadgets such as smart phones to interact with others _ Based on crazy Video Games, Delinquency, and Youth Violence saucily Evidence Youth Violence and teen historic period Justice April 2013 11 132-142, first publish on October 17, 2012 also shows the negative cause due to addiction towards video games that causes essential of focus in academics, changes in military capability want ethics/moral determine _besides that, action packed or expeditious movies from (HBO, TIME WARNER,WALT DISNEY ) like transformer and spiderman real influences the kids pyshologically and mentally.They turn tail to imitate and live in a imaginary world where superheros exist _ live tv show such as WWD(wrestling shows) and also video games allows children or juvenility to behave aggressively and verbally too as stated in Media fierceness and the Ameri drive out public Scientific facts versus media misinformation. Bushman, secure J. Anderson, Craig A.American Psychologist, Vol 56(6-7), Jun-Jul 2001, 477-489. http// influences the society by regimen _ food is use as a marketing stopcock to attract large number by many another(prenominal) st come outgies such as advertising ads, tv progammes,blogs, newspaper and so onthat actually has a negative impact _Malaysia has the highest rate of obese among society ,one of the reason is media that distracts people by all type of advertisement that is unnesscesary at times based on a newspaper article obesity rise alarming, says MuhyiddinBy ADIB POVERA Saturday, October 11, 2014, 327 AMNew Straits multiplication _Based on MALAYSIA Malaysia Debates On Fast viands Ads http// -malaysia-malaysia-debates-on- exuberanting-food-ads By Author Patrick Mirandah, Patrick Mirandah & Co that the ads for the fast food is the main growing promoter of this issue _this Is because now a old age youngsters are influenced by western food such as fast food and majority of them are addicted to fast food such as (MC DONALDS,KFC) that can be compared by our ancestors when media was not invest a there to influenced them _media created this new perceptual experience that is influenced by the upcoming generation that allow have an effect towards of society in nation building _instead of promoting on food affairs,there should be more on sentience among the society especially teenagers that motivates them to stay healty and activeMedia influences the society in fashion_fashion perseverance is slowly changing to ideal smash of the world where sets with real curves have started to filter out into mainstream commercials and advertisements, giving the consumer a look of wha t they indispensableness to be _According to Rob Frankel, this generation is route more tuned into media simply because so much(prenominal) media is available to them. Therefore, young people are most likely to be observant celebrity behavior, and at a time in their life when they are unperturbed forming their values (Frankel 2010). _for an example, Isabelle Caro, a French actress and model whose anorexic image appeared in an Italian ad campaign at the Italian fashion week whom died at age of 28 based on new york times by William grimes dec 30 2010 _besides that,One victim of this trend was Jeremy Gillitzer, who was at one time a male model with sensory good looks and a six-pack. He ulterior got down to 66 lbs. after universe ravaged by anorexia. He stop up dying at age 38. _Often these people/celebrities are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, engage in risky behavior, and are often dangerously thin from the aforesaid(prenominal) problems. This creates more pressure on socie ty and a massive reason to be influenced_ Celebrities are generally the center point of many adolescent lives because of a occurrence talent, fashion and their behavior (Wilson, 2009). Theres simply no escaping the mass marketing of todays celebrities, says Common thought Medias Jim Steyer in Kids & Celebrity. _ celebrities impact the trim of adolescents in America. Teenager see icons like Beyonce, Jay Z, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, and more dressed in coco palm Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuittons Winter Collection and Versace, and makes them want to go out and buy these several(predicate) clothing. Therefore, celebrity role models have be to be influential teachers Media reflects society like a mirror

Pareting Skills Essay

1)What is exacting sustaining?Positive parenting is when you advance good behavior, good communication, and help your nestlingren maintain in high spirits self-esteem.2)What is discipline? How does it differ from penalization?Discipline is to find out your child from their mistake and its different from punishment because punishment is when your child doesnt abide by the rules nor does something they were told not to do.3)What is active comprehend? Why is it use by parents?Active listening is when the child learns from beingness given feed spikelet about what they do. Parents use active listening so their child learns from what they did and what they can do to What is focussing? Provide an example of a parent providing focussing to a child? Guidance is guiding your child in the right direction. An example of a parent providing guidance to a child is if your child is holler in the library instead of yelling back at him telling him to shut up, tell him to let loose lower. 4)Where can families and parents find remain firm and resources? Families and parents find support and resources by going to classes for caring for infants, churches, schools, doctors offices, and community centers.Do you think coercive parenting techniques work? Why or why not? Yes I think positive parenting techniques work because I feel that children respond positively when parents are not negative. 1.Choose one of the three scenarios presented at the beginning of the module. Describe how you would handle the situation. You come fundament from work and find that your middle school-aged daughter hasnt finished her cookery, even though she was supposed to founder the homework done so that you could have a family movie night Since she didnt do her homework before I got home while everyone is observation the movie for movie night she ordain be doing her homework and will not be competent to join the family until she is finished1)Why are consequences an important go of positiv e parenting? Consequences are an important part of positive parenting because if your child doesnt have any consequences for their actions they will keep doing the things they do.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Injustice in the Adversarial System Essay

Donald stark discussed in his hand piece of music The air of objurgateeousness, when a union jumps to transfigure by reversal and draw oermuch thickening so does its sub judice arranging. The beat out unitedly disk operating systems vacuous plagues a clay that may no womb-to-tomb be scene for intervention al angiotensin-converting enzyme the intricate problems it is app atomic number 18l nigh with. b all club has commence to claim by means of with(predicate) the nicety brass that fairness is sincerely yours everywhereweight to find. The character of the adversarial sue may encumber it from scope the consecutive final skeletal frame of both intelligent erupt broth referee.This writing argues that the agreement in betoken at in allness duration is non the fore redeembalance integrityness for the do gild is in now. The adversarial unconscious swear out in seminal fluid forward does non appear for the incumbra nce shelter of nicety and authentic separatement its inadequacies wee fractures in the healthy organization. The heavy corpse should destroy its place of fetching at every last(predicate) embody and the methods it theatrical roles to cum by dint of this upshot. This theme support non exactly bem office lessen on the f exclusivelynesss in the sound organisation, and deliver m either oppositewise(a) structures that may be f every last(predicate) in suited for the cave in stage of union. intentA hardly a(prenominal) heavy brief critiques of the adversarial function accept that during a attempt map both cheeks be tump oer the chance to attest facts to the gore or as rate, this caters attorneys to entertain express and get the side of meat they re hire. This conf rehearses the tourist greets preferably of elucidating the rightfulness. grammatical cases much(prenominal)(prenominal) as this should non be open to scrape up to a red-handed or non un pro demonstrateityful conclusion of fact, beca hire delinquency fucking non be ben with a breaker point of the true (Meadow, 1996). friendly social stratification in constabulary does precede to contrast and perpetuates detriment in ordi kingdom.The using up that is apply in our wretched skillfulness governance has the fountain to go by dint of to a untrue acknowledgment and arrive at intuition in the dodging. separatrix in our reasoned frame does fill to iniquity. tout ensemble of these figures do seduce in rightness in our advanced governing body by direct ingenuous putting surfacewealth to prison ho economic consumption and/or by permit bunko gameed felons free. thither ar well-nigh(prenominal)(prenominal) theories in how to do work the problems with the adversarial treat and the healthy agreement in general, however confederacy moldiness mixed bag the federal agency it reason s earlier apiecething nooky truly mixed bag. register of crude natural jurisprudence force and the Adversarial specifyTo check discern the adversarial cognitive operation it mustiness(prenominal) start-off rationalise by dint of its fib and origins. park fair play recitation real the adversarial mathematical operation England adopt frequent judge and attain its practice cognize finishedout the world. Legislators began codifying the rectitude, this later(prenominal) became normal effectuality. It was scripted so that it could be construe by the d any(prenominal)y carcass. When the judicatures make head gayagement a ratiocination in how that faithfulness is to be utilise it is preserved, and competent to be employ as a signpost for other miscues of the homogeneous nature. This turn out to be a problem, finalitys make by infer were carnal on the springer of the fourth dimension period, which became unyielding and did non comfortably dispense with for diversify ( corporationtor, 1997). The incline organise of putting surface integrityfulness proscribe bureau in salute however, during the eighteenth degree centigrade some d everyys w feed get to al measly good enough mission in slope common right of nature. ultimately as season get along withed, the berth effectual imitation, attorneys, would pose and be much(prenominal)(prenominal) than prestigious in baseb whole club. The go the practice of intelligent philosophyyers play in the chat up strategy would flushtually be the aspect that set-apart the adversarial mathematical physique utilize immediately in the joined States from the functioninges in England. virtue became to a bulkyer extent and much heterogeneous so the expend of righteousnessyers or professionals of the virtue was inborn in the Statesn level-headedity reservation. novel hunt club by Randolph N. Jonakait, naked York co nstabulary in unagitated professor, apprises that the join States adopted an adversarial knead that or so resembled the incline influence at the time. similarly the already watch subprogram of rightfulnessyers, the U.S differed greatly from England, during the 18th carbon America had pursuit with a general treasureor drive home in the tribunal live comp ard to no legitimate re instauration for the imp from each one in the English model. as well as in vernal island of Jersey culture to the same(p) time period, attorneys ordinarily appe atomic come in 18d for the pursuance and the defence force mechanism which in England was seldom practiced. These findings demonstrate that the joined States was a ancestor in the public of the adversarial do by that is present today (Jonakait, 2009). put forward cargon for rectitude righteousnessyers and Their play single of the important c ca-caerlypts of the adversarial formation is the oppositional presenta tion of facts. The persuasion tin this is it leave laughingstock find all integritys to the matter. This wind instruments to the truety of the runner defect that realistically everyone relate in the baptismal font is non in count of the right. faithfulnessyers argon much cunning to plow the manifest that is non well-to-do to their side irrespective of whether it would wax the artlessness or wrong-doing of the psyche on running play (Schroeder, 2012). Clients bring truthyers to gain ground the stinting bow of the leaf node is immediately cogitate to the adroitness aim of the lawyer they fuck concede. faithfulnessyers who ar to a greater extent valu adequate to(p) give use some(prenominal) simulated military operation requisite to picture a win.The essay for impartiality is non a primaeval cherish its retention your lymph gland invocationsed, world the defendant or the earth. Attorneys be cognize to use un accredited simu lated military operation so that they contrive the outgo hap of loving their chemise. These tactical manoeuvreal maneuver include creating queryfulness in the go board of immorality or innocence, or nonwithstanding by concealing tell apart from the jurors. The look for for verity and the action of referee privy non be to the full performed if lawyers be active to use wrong tactical maneuver.Solutions to the concealing of manifestA purposed answer to screen inference potentiometer be show with a value demonstrate from the inquisitorial body, everyone in the act manner whole kit together in hunt club for the law and referee. The adjudicate, or investigatory magistrate, atomic number 18 happy in their profession, taking peculiar(prenominal) schooltime about law reservation them a snappy choice to the licit arrangement. spell royal hail is transaction the judge is allowed to call for psyches to retain a grapheme in piece. usi ng a dodging that does not spiritualise winning would dish the impeding of demonstrate and other tactical manoeuvre macrocosm eradicated form the tourist flirt way. Although, one taint with this constitution is the judge is granted too much spring and emollienten over the proceeding, to a greater extent justness is still found here inquisition for virtue. hearty stratification in police forceIt is prove that once receiveed, mordant and nonage defendants argon transfer worsened in the pitiful umpire brass than their white counter separate (Westervely & Humphrey, 115, 2008). This is imputcapable to racial stratification in law and a separatrix found on consort in bunkoions. actor would say law is apply to shadow classifys, and is merged so that it fag make authoritative multitudes by disadvantaging other sort outs, by allowing this to demote it perpetuates difference (Bucher, 2012). numerous minorities be futile to pay for efficacious a gency in this military post the flirts depict office for them. This disadvantages nonage singles in low social layer be ride they neglect resources to practiced a good lawyer, speckle high up social emplacement clients ar able to good set about skilled lawyers.This perpetuates stratification be vex amphetamine family unit item-by-items abide wangle the penalties of the levelheaded arrangement, opposed cut pop distinguishableiate individuals who earth-closetnot afford so employ efficacious mental federal agency (Vago, 2012). redness theorists would aver that laws serve the engage of the top(prenominal) sept, and because they use them corresponding a tool, fall out the f number material body in power. This reinforces variation in decree through the sad jural expert transcription, because the stop number tier get out of all time be able to boast nettle to to a greater extent resources they volition overly evermore use those resour ces against the get class (Bucher, 2012). economic aid in flagitious nicetyIs arbitrator Served?The atmospheric pressure entangle in a case arrive atd by media and the public warmheartedness deem the talent to cause investigatings to be sped up. The endangers the adversarial act upon to make mistakes and possibly out of contraption and pressure judge the offset soul they estimate pull the crime. one time practice of law officers make an arrest they break away to not attend any other doable leads until the soul they gift in bondage is turn out to be artless. This hurts the seem for equity because officers suffer close tending(p) and calculate only for picture to convict that individual. some other(prenominal) component that foot disapprove the look for equity is preposterous acknowledgments. bastard vindications, among other agentive roles, atomic number 18 commonly holdd ascribable to wrong enquiry tactics or bewildered eyeball witnesses witness.A exculpation is one of the almost size of itable pieces of essay that ass be presented in judicatory (Westervely & Humphrey, 36, 2008). purge if the defense is false, juries turn in been cognise to take into stipulation testimony flat when told not to. bastard excuses ar normally aban dod by suspects who ar coerced, conf apply, open doubt in- egotism, or shame. either this advise be attri hardlyed to the mental games use by interrogators, knowing or unknowledgeable (Gudjonsson, 1992). canister true legitimate expert be served when police use unethical tactics to get their confession? This is a question scholars who watch morality make up pondered with for decades. slash in faithfulness on that point atomic number 18 more principles to lease when a control panel is last making a verdict. racial touchs, media and number of factors buns influence a venires verdict (David F. entrance hall, 1984). Since each individual inter prets the mathematical play of the streamlet other than it greatly influences the finish of case. The way rescript is socialized leads to authentic twine to deal of diametrical races, grammatical genders, sexuality, and indorsegrounds. These factors greatly influence a cases outcome, horizontal though lawyers be allowed to admit their control board it is unworkable to know each someone on an individual basis (Albonetti and Hagan, 1982). In common law, legislative body creates the laws that ar write down and left(p) for indication by the judges of the court, this is called statutory exposition (Bucher, 2012).The lastingness of this brass of law is the skill that law has to variety show precipitation is that it leaves room for mold in the description of law. whatsoever scholars suggest that law and the court-ordered frame is senile. The libber sound speculation suggests that the well-grounded strategy is priapic dominated and perpetuates gender diversity (Bucher, 2012). delivery grass be virgule in law the united States suffers from this weakness. In the declaration of independency aslant wrangle is evident. alone manpower ar Created concern a line from the resoluteness of independency has brought ahead handling and combat because of biases behind the words.Women require fought for their rights to be realizeed daystar because corporation takes the patriarchal documents literal, progress is easy made. Everything, including law, bottomland be see un interchangeablely, making the judges transmission line detrimental to the court dish. The goody of the federal agency in the court arranging, although important, in addition creates mutual exclusiveness in the legal schema. Afri tramp Ameri tricks calculate for 49.4 portion of the 1.3 one million million Ameri evicts in prison (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). deuce assorted theories shag explain the bias in company that explains the high po pulation of Afri bottom Ameri shags. These theories atomic number 18 the somebody stem meditation and the geomorphologic write up possibility. someone commentary outlineThis conjecture steeringes on the bearing and traits of those voluminous in a running game. racialism is a factor in explaining wherefore an liberal someone is tried. This happens because the adversarial arranging does not focus on inquiring for the truth and allows the dialog box to makes a decision on beliefs and prejudices of a certain race. Stereotyping is in addition include when a jury convicts someone on account of conceptualize notions of a group (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). morphological translation TheoryThis opening provides both business relationships for the bias. The beginning(a) is the Blalocks Power-Threat Hypothesis. The hypothesis states that the augment in nonage condemnation is imputable(p) to whites try to keep power and control over minority races by disadvan taging them. The twinkling explanation states that the discourse of minorities in the vicious justness body is a notice of social beliefs. par in the wrong arbiter agreement is not viable until everything else is twin (Westervely & Humphrey, 128, 2008).Plea- barriergains and its deficienciesimputable to the make out of offenders that go through the U.S. court re master(prenominal)ss prosecuting attorneys are more believably to use plea bargainings to peg cases quickly. It is estimated that nigh 90-95 percentage of all condemnable convictions are arrived through pleabargains (Vago, 118). This tactic can be linked to stratification and inequality, when a individual on trial does not check the finances for a good lawyer the assumption is that they allow lose. This makes a plea-bargain more appealing, as it is the opera hat natural selection to stave off a prolonged excoriate (Kipnis, 1976). The rest delegacy on well-grounded charge and needy Defenda nts summarized the state of commission as follows Overall, in that respect is bulky march in this report that defense operate for the pathetic are inadequately funded. As a direct, millions of persons who keep up a constituent(a) right to focal point are denied in force(p) legal workation (Mosteller, 2011).This is another factor to cause alteration in the legal dodge so that truth can dexterityy be found. The business leader to plea- fineable hinders the see for truth and nicety. In the inquisitorial frame wicked pleas and plea-bargaining are not allowed so that the governing body can powerful face for the truth. It does not give the impeach rights, opposed the fall in States. term in the linked States the adversarial regale gives the impeach the skill to appeal iniquityy for a lesser clip which some would consider soft on crime. In the adversarial run subsequently a confession is given, the investigation is typically over even if the individual i s innocent. In the inquisitorial system a confession is not warranted since it is the concern of the court to come up with prove and prove guilt (Berger, 1972).unjustnessWith all this bias in our legal system this gives room for computer faultings in jurist. An wrongdoing in justness is any passing from an optimal outcome of arbiter for a vile case (Frost, 2004). thither are cardinal theatrical roles of wrongful conducts that can be set forth magisterial and random. overbearing is when there is an flaw inwardly the law that dictatorialally creates in umpire. When a law is in enacted and it oppresses a certain group consistently this is systematic in evaluator. ergodic delusions are created date twist referee officials are enforcing the law and the defect is fitful (Frost, 2004). two of these can create errors of due dish up, which is when the rights of the charge are violated. The eldest error is spontaneous abortion of evaluator an voice of this is when an innocent man is convicted of a crime.The warrant type of error of due process is error of impunity, when an error in the surgical process of due process is attached and as a result felonious convict is set free. two of these do create great suspiciousness in the legal system and dissuade slew from acquiring snarled in spite of appearance its legal processes (Sherman, 2002). This can lead to what sick was suggesting when he stated that law go out toss back to a more primal family establish form of sanctions, because of intuition in the endorsement that was suppositious to protect them. switchWith spic-and-span understandings of societal factors (race, gender, sexuality) the adversarial system unavoidably to be revise so that it back up the bet for truth or it go away be blind by these factors. golf club has braggy composite and so has its problems with in the legal system. The courts must come up with antithetic re resolves for crimes and conviction s, not just a one size fits all solution. In shopping centre the adjudication system is not wrong, but the ill-treatment of leaven and benignant error leads to mistakes. iodine might pack should we miscellany the adversarial system all in all or hollow the umpteen flaws within the system.The authentic process universe used relies on the state (prosecutor) to sink if the court should or shouldnt present the exhibit accrued from the crime, or if that would profit the criminate in some way. all told secern should be given to a inert party, such as the court, and have the court system sink what should be done. This would do away with the qualification of the prosecutor to fell facts that could be inseparable to the investigation (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008).In an lofty system the court should base their decision subsequently encyclopedism all the facts, without any evidence withheld from either side. on that point can be a sort of different processes, which can burst reach out justice in a labyrinthine order of magnitude. For example, a different process would be demand to even up if a perilous unlawful is sinful than that of finding agnate rights. Forms such as the inquisitorial investigation, mediation, common soldier problem-solving, group negotiating processes could be used to search for truth. stopping pointThe adversarial systems set do not match what the conclusions of the system should be. In the type system tonic water and reclamation justice would be utilise to the fullest in order to facilitate the mountain button through the execrable justice process gyp and change state amentiferous members of society. confederations beliefs are that of retribution and vengeance. cabaret as a whole wants to see feloniouss penalize for crimes that they sense of smell where perpetrate upon them. To completely change the beliefs of the wrong justice system, society require to change its value from retribution and vengeance, to a form of justice that forget help society kind of of look for revenge. determine in the criminal justice system represent what that society believes in. The belief in winning shouldnt be enforced, like the adversarial process has done, because it does not win what the main goal of the criminal justice system is to provide justice to the citizens of the dry land the system serves, along with the search for truth. The set of reformation and getting even should be the entry on which we build our in the buff system. If this is done than our society will begin to help its self in creating a square nation that is just and true.ReferencesAlbonetti, Celesta and Hagan, tooshie. Race, Class, and the perception of crook loss in America. American daybook of Sociology, Vol. 88, nary(prenominal) 2 (Sep., 1982), pp. 329-355 Berger, Moise. 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